Since I have left the UK, I have been pondering the idea of doing a blog, but never seemed to have got round to it. I have been keeping a diary which I write in every day, but I have now decided to keep all the info on what I have done/ will be doing on line! Technology these days is great isn't it?!? I will not be doing a blog every day of this trip, but my plan is to do some days in each country. Then I can at least get in things that have happened to us and we don't have to keep looking for WIFI every day, which believe me, is quite hard to find!!

Monday 27 September 2010

Italy - Somewhere between Alessandria and Parma Tuesday 14th September See ya Alessandria!..... oh damn!

On Saturday 11th, we actually had the hire car for another day, and we were going to drive down to a lake, but Beth and Edie made a big fuss about driving for about 1 hour and a half, so we drove to a famous river. We were going to rent a small boat, like a punting boat, but when daddy, Beth and Edie went to check out the boat hiring places, guess what? They were all private, surprise surprise. They went to a small boat hiring place first, and it was closed for their four hour lunch break. So they went to another down the river side, that was private. They told them to go to the boat hiring place they had just been too! So after our picnic lunch (in a park, not a boat), they went back to the first boat place, and the man (who was finally back) said that that place was private and they only rented out boats to people in a private club! Typical Italy, every where's either private or too much money! So we drove back to the hostel to find a baptism party going on! Random! I guess there was a big church next to the hostel, so it sort of made sense!

Sunday was very much the same as the other Sunday's - a complete ghost town. But when we were driving on Saturday to the river, daddy got a text from Jon Wheater (my godfather) saying that the Grand Prix that weekend was ninety minutes away from where we were staying! Mummy and daddy really wanted to go to see the race, but it would have cost about €500. So we passed on that idea, but we did find a bar which had the race on on a TV, so that was fine. It was a very dramatic race if you didn't watch it. Lewis Hamilton crashed in the first half our!! Jenson Button came second, so all in all, not too bad. The day was relaxing (well, I guess the previous two weeks have been relaxing as well) but we weren't calling the garage about the van, although I wasn't holding my breath that they would fix the van on the Monday!

When Monday morning did come around, daddy actually decided to sacrifice his day at the pool, to go to the garage for the whole day. Then at least he would tell them to crack on if they weren't fixing it! Turned out, they did fix it and we had it back by 5pm that night! Woo hoo! During the day, me, Beth, Edie and mummy went back to the cool pool, and no one was there! There was one guy sunbathing on a deck chair, but the pool was deserted. Except it was quite cold - but we had good fun anyway! We all arrived back at the hostel around 5pm that night, and it was good to see the campervan was back in full swing! We decided to stay at the hostel another night, because it would have been pointless driving for an hour in the night.

So Tuesday the 14th was the day we left Alessandria! It's a shame, because I was just starting to like it - not! Any way, we drove about an hour out of Alessandria, to hear the same noise it was making the last time it broke down. So we drove down some random country road and stopped so daddy could look at the engine. He noticed that there were some air bubbles in the fuel pipe, which of course, isn't meant to happen. So we rung our local mechanic (again) and told him the same noises were happening and the air bubbles in the fuel pipe. He told us what to check and if they were all in order. They were. So we kept on driving at a steady pace and, as if by magic, a VW garage turned up! And it was REALLY plush! It was the most posh garage I have ever been to! It had Porsches, really plush Golfs and Audi TTs! It was incredible. Any way, a guy came along, (who looked very much like Hugh Laurie) and looked at the van. About twenty minutes later, he came back to tell us that it wasn't the turbo, but the fuel filter in the fuel tank! So we spent about loads of cash for nothing. When he change the fuel filter, the van ran smoothly. Typical - Alessandria is RUBBISH.

Any way, the day only got randomer. As we didn't want to over do the van driving it, we didn't go all the way to Pisa. We sort of stopped halfway in somewhere called Paderna and 'framped'. It's daddy's new word combining 'free' and 'camping' to equal 'framping'! It's catching on! Start using it! Any way, we pulled up outside a church practically, in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, if you looked all around, there was field after field, a small house and then another field. Hardly any cars drove past. We pitched up with the small tent for the bags and popped the roof up and at 20:45, we had pasta. At 21:00, a car pulled up the other side of the church, but we didn't see who got out. As we started to think it was just the vicar grabbing a cassock or something, ALL of the church lights went on. As mummy and daddy had a whispering fight with mummy telling daddy to go and talk to them, another car pulled up. More people went in to the church and mummy just got to say: 'right, you go ask them if we can stay here or we leave', loads more cars came into the car park where we were. Daddy went and asked a woman what was going on, and she told us there was a choir rehearsing for a wedding on the following Sunday! Seriously, what are the chances? Any way, we actually went and listened and met the bride and groom, Federica and Stefano. The choir were INCREDIBLE and they were all so friendly. Federica and Stefano spoke really good English, and it juts got more random. At the end of the whole rehearsal, Stefano asked us if we wanted to go to his parents house on the Wednesday for dinner with him and Federica! What nice people, you meet someone for 45 minutes and then invite us for dinner! You would never get that in England. Just a little added thing - Stefano's a dentist and federica an English teacher at high school. So we thought that we would accept their invitation and went off to sleep in the van after a very unexpected evening!

Italy - Alessandria/Genova Friday 10th September 2010 Over a week in Alessandria

We reached the mile stone of being in one place for a week on Thursday 9th, and we went over a week by a day. We were all hoping we'd only be in the hostel for 4 nights! We estimated wrong. We were all getting a bit depressed and sick of salami sandwiches, so were trying to find some cheap restaurants to eat at. Of course, we failed. Because Alessandria is so popular and everyone wants to go there on holiday, so all of the restaurants are really expensive for basic food. Although we did find a couple of cafe's that did pasta and a drink for €5. So we ate there one day. On Wednesday, we were really bored because we were supposed to be in Croatia by that time. But something really cool happened in the evening while we were watching and episode of Outnumbered. We finished and all got into bed when I saw some flashing outside. They were really bright flashes, and mummy saw them as well. She got up and looked to see what it was and there was a massive thunder storm going on, but it wasn't over us. It must have been ages away, because we could see the lightning really well through the clouds, but we got no sound of thunder claps what so ever! It went on for ages, but didn't come over us at all. So that was interesting any way!

On Thursday, it was just a repeat of the previous days to be honest. The only funny thing that happened was when we went to get a coffee in the middle square. We were having a drink out side a cafe when this guy in white came up too our table behind Beth. He told us to be quiet and not tell Beth he was behind her, which is random enough! Beth is really scared of people acting weirdly in costumes, she'd even get scared of dressed up characters from a show that wander around our shopping centre in Banbury! So when she got tapped on the shoulder by this white man, she got really freaked out! She jumped and went a pale colour and didn't do anything. Turns out he was a beggar! He was dressed really badly and his face paint was more grey that white! He showed us all a plastic cup to put money in, when he didn't even do anything cool! The other funny thing was, Beth couldn't even relax walking home, because we walked around a corner and he was there so we had to dive into a book shop! We're steering clear of random white people now!

Friday 10th was mummy and daddy's wedding anniversary, so we decided to hire a car and go down to Genova which is South and on the coast. We drove down and it took about 1 hour and a half, and we arrived to see clear blue sea, loads of palm trees and lots of boats in the harbor! We went and parked up and then walked over to the harbor to see what boats were there. Turns out that there was a massive Clipper! In case you're not aware of a 'Clipper', it is a very big pirate looking ship which has lots of riggings, looking out points (sorry, the name of those things just slipped my mind!) - ah, mummy just told me. It had riggings, crow's nests (thanks mummy) and lots more pirate looking things, including cannons! It looked like they were filming something there as well. So if a film comes out in England about pirates filmed in Genova, let me know because I saw the set! It was a really beautiful boat as well, with a big mermaid on the front! It was the make of boat that Christopher Columbus took to America when he went traveling. But I don't think the ships would have been in such good condition in pirate times! When we looked at the Clipper, we were walking back to the car when we came across and Indian praying session! they all had their shoes off like they do in India! It was incredible. When we got back to the van, we drove out to find a beach. We found loads of beaches, pretty blue sea, nice waves but they were all private! €7 each just to go on a pebbly beach, that's right, not sand, HOT pebbles! All of the beaches were like that which were private. Eventually, when we did find a free one, it was exactly the same as the private beaches as in it was pebbly, no shade, lots of people. Oh, and the only reason there were lots of people was because the free beach was about 25m LONG! I'm not even joking, it was ridiculous. But me, Beth and Edie went in the sea and it was really warm! The good old Mediterranean that goes out about 3 meters and then has a massive drop. Not the best beach that we've ever been too I must admit. But it was a nice day out any way.

Of course, when we got back to Alessandria to find a restaurant, there were none open because Friday night in Italy means 'bye bye nice Italian made lasagne and hello cocktails'! We ended up eating at a pizza place down our road which wasn't too bad. I mean, what's wrong with being the only people there and a big TV showing Star Trek in Italian while we're eating? None of us actually got a pizza in the end. Me, Beth and daddy got a nice, but buttery risotto, Edie got tomato, but olive oily pasta and mummy got pasta with weird fish meat. All that cost around €80, and on the next night (Saturday), we got a sushi take away which cost €30 less! Alessandria's a great city, isn't it?

Sunday 26 September 2010

Italy - Alessandria Tuesday 7th September 2010 Mamma mia, here we go again

Yep, that's right, it's Tuesday the 7th and we had to stay in the hostel another night. Know why? BECAUSE THE VW GARAGE IS SO UNRELIABLE, SO MUCH SO, THAT WE DIDN'T KNOW WHEN WERE GOING TO GET OUR VAN BACK! I'm sorry to shout, but when people say 'wow, stuck in Italy isn't so bad! It's better than being at school/in my office', and I think to myself, 'you try living off salami sandwiches 24/7 and having nothing to do'! That's what we had to put up with. Me, daddy and Beth went to the garage on Tuesday and asked them why the van still wasn't fixed, and when it would be fixed. It's funny, because when they told us it would hopefully be on Monday the 13th, they then said 'because that's when the mechanic's back from his holiday'! Why they couldn't have told us he would be on holiday 1 and a 1/2 weeks ago, I don't know. Wait a second, I do, because Italy is so unreliable and they never tell anyone anything, because even they don't know when it will be done. To be honest, the garage don't even seem bothered. To them, we're the 'typical English. Always wanting it done quickly'! But this now means that we had to book the hostel until at least the Monday! So on Wednesday 8th, daddy had to go to the office and see if he can get a discount for the following few days. Any way, for the previous days, we had been trying to make it fun by finding various things to do.

On Saturday, we walked from the middle of the city, to the East side of the city, over to the West side of the city. We were trying to find a swimming pool, and we found one on the East side. The pool was full, but this Italian lady tried to explain that it had closed down. So we walked back across the city and found another pool that was better. It cost €30 though for 4 of us to swim, but the pool was great and hardly anyone were there. There were steps down to the shallow end, and then there was a slope down to a really deep bit where we all did lots of diving! It was great, but even the next day there was still water in my ears, but deep down so I kept hearing some weird sounds!! We had good fun though at the pool and took a bus home. We had to buy a ticket at the newsagents, and the bus driver didn't even check them! So we're going to try and find another day where we can use them again.

On Sunday, we worked out a week ago, that nothing happens on Sunday's in Alessandria. It is literally a ghost town. So we mainly stayed inside the hostel and had a well earned rest. But we did find something really random when we were walking back from the launderette. There was a self service vending machine place, and me and mummy went inside to try and get some change for the Cyber Cafe. When we were in there, there was a vending machine that did ready meals, and next to that was a microwave! So for lunch, we had lasagne! Some hot food at last!! It was actually very good, and because Beth is a vegetarian, she had spinach and ricotta cannelloni. Why they don't have ready meal vending machines in England I don't know! They are so cool! That was probably the most exciting thing that happened to us in the week! We did some more school work that day, so it was nice to know that I was keeping on top of things!

Monday 6th was when my school, Warriner, went back to school. So that day was filled with lots of work. We did two hours solid in the morning and then stopped. But in the afternoon, I did some more English work and some ICT. It would have been Beth's first day at Warriner if we were back at home, so I think she was glad when the clock struck 10am (9am GMT) when I said 'all of the year 7's will be going to their first lesson now'. I must say, and I think she'll agree with me, that she looked quite relieved she wasn't there! The first day at high school is always hard.

Italy - Alessandria Thursday 2nd September 2010 Every little thing, is gonna be alright.......

We ended up staying at the nice hotel for 2 nights. Me, Beth and Edie weren't at all disappointed! The garage called daddy back on the Monday afternoon and told him that the turbo had broken. Not the best part of the van that could have gone. They said that they wouldn't be able to fix it that week because they didn't keep any parts for cars. So the rest of Monday afternoon was filled with daddy trying to get hold of our local mechanic, but it was bank holiday in the UK, so he wasn't at work. On Tuesday, we got hold of him and he said to call some guy that sells second hand car parts. The person that daddy rung said that he didn't have any in stock, but could get one in quite soon. Daddy told him the story of what happened and the guy was very good about it and he would chase the company up and try and get one as soon as possible. First of all, we had to find somewhere else to stay, because the hotel was quite expensive. The receptionist showed us a campsite on the map, so we went there. They had a swimming pool, and it was great! It had 3 pools, one of which had a diving board and another had a slide! The rest of the campsite was pretty lackluster, and it cost quite a lot for 2 nights, because at this time we had a hire car that was costing us about €50 for one day, €150 for three. In total, the campsite cost €90 with the car money for that day. We had to pay €2 each for a shower token, so that in itself was €10! Daddy had a shower on the Thursday morning and the hot water only lasted for 2 minutes!!!! Any way, on Tuesday, we were actually doing some adding up to see if it was cheaper to fly home and pick up the turbo ourselves! Turns out that all of the airlines charged between €1200 and €1300 for all of us!! It's lucky that we didn't book anything though, because the person called back on Wednesday to say that he had the turbo and would post it out to Italy straight away!! We were all very happy with that! Basically, from Tuesday 31st, we were eating cold food all the time because we have nothing to cook with and it's too expensive to eat out every night. At least we're eating healthily though, which is a plus!!

We left the campsite on Thursday, after 2 very sleepless nights in a tent. This was mainly because we were right next to a road, and they were doing road works all night! And it was really cold during the night. But we all got very good tans during the day! Especially when we went to the pool. The pool was €25 for all of us as well, even for mummy who didn't swim!! It's like all that campsite wants is your money!!

In advance, on the Wednesday, we were seeing where else we could stay after the campsite. There was a hotel that would cost €120 for a family room, or there was a hostel that would only cost €80 for a family room each night, and we wanted somewhere for 5 nights. This is because the garage said that they would be able to fix it sometime from the 6th September. We ended up going with the hostel, and it was really quite nice. It looked quite weird from the outside, a bit like a prison, but the inside was fine. We reckon it used to be a school/college/hospital. It sort of looks like all of those things put together!! That was the hostel that we stayed in until the morning of Tuesday 7th, when the van would hopefully have be fixed. But I wasn't holding my breath...

Italy - Alessandria Sunday 29th August 2010 A very bad couple of days.....

After leaving John's on Saturday morning, we decided to take the route to Italy the scenic way. Daddy thought that we would be driving through the Alps. Turns out we were driving over them. It was fine at first, just driving into the Alps, a few waterfalls and we kept seeing big ski lifts. We were driving up a mountain, a very zig-zaggy one, and the campervan kept slowing down. We ended up pulling into a very small lay-by on the edge of the mountain to 'cool the engine down'. We took a few pictures of the pretty mountains and lots of the mountain in the distance with the snow on top!! When we got back into the van and started crawling along, black smoke started coming from the exhaust, and mummy began to lean away from the edge of the mountain!!! John said that at the top of a mountain, there is a really beautiful lake. We got to a sort of car park and we spotted the lake. It was really pretty! If you've seen the Simpson's Movie, it looked like the poster that Homer has of Alaska! It was a clear blue lake and the mountains surrounding were incredible! There were mountains in the foreground and background, and the pictures I got are amazing! When Bethan mentioned going down to the lake, that's when things started to get hairy. Mummy said that we would definitely not go down to the lake, because the mountain would be just as steep coming back up as it would be going down. But, daddy always likes an 'adventure' (challenge) and we drove down to the lake. It was worth it though, the view was amazing and the water was so blue! It was freezing though, so we didn't stay for long. Daddy told us that there used to be a village where the lake was, but people flooded the village after the war, partly to create a reservoir, but also because there was a big massacre going on.

When we got back in the campervan, we started the big treck back up the mountain, with mummy once again leaning away from the edge and telling daddy to slow down! We eventually made it to Italy, and we got beebed at twice in 5 minutes, because the driving here is so confusing! People got through green and red lights, so we just wait until we get parped at, then we move!!

we stayed at a hostel on the Saturday night. That wasn't too bad, but men have a seperate floor to women, but Edie was allowed to go in a room with daddy. We were sharing a room with three French girls, it was quite scary, but we stuck with it! Me and Beth shared a bed top-to-tail, because we didn't want to go on a bunk above a stranger! I was reaching over Beth's legs to get something and she kicked me right in the face! Next thing I remember, was running to the bathroom like a lunatic and trying to hold my head up. When I reached the toilet cubicle, I locked the door, but in doing so, had to stop holding my nose. Blood went everywhere, and I tried to stop it with toilet role, but it just kept on coming. Mummy came in to help me, and we finally go to bed at midnight. I am NOT sharing a bed with Beth again! She can be really aggressive!!

On Sunday, the whole city was dead. They really take their rest day seriously, and we were slowly driving around to try and find a map so we knew where to go! We were also trying to find a garage, because the campervan was getting dangerously bad. We were trying to get to Genova that day, but the van was never going to make it. We sat in McDonalds for lunch, and discussed if we should try and carry on to Genova. Mummy didn't want too, but the rest of us thought it a good idea to at least try. Genova was about an hour from Alessandria, but we gave it a go. The problem with the van was that the engine kept going out when we tried to pick up speed, like it was being choked or something. We ended up driving on the hard shoulder with our emergency lights on!

On the way to the main road, we saw a hotel that was a four star, but seeing as it was the only place we could find to stay, we were going to go there, but there was no exit to come off at, so we had to carry on. When we had got to a point where carrying on would be silly because we would be stuck in the middle of no where, we decided to turn around. On the way back into Alessandria, there was another four start hotel that we passed called Marengo, and we had passed it already that day and hadn't seen it! We parked and asked if they had 2 rooms or a family room, and they had two rooms basically opposite each other. We booked in and there was a double room and three singles in another. It was amazing! Me, Bethan and Edie stayed in the 3 bed bedroom, and mummy and daddy stayed in the double room. The best thing was, there was a garage next door that daddy took the van too on Monday. The only thing was, the van was too old for them to look around for any problems, because nowadays, they plug a laptop into the car and the laptop diagnosis the problem. Daddy asked the receptionist if there was another garage, and luckily, there was a VW one not far away. So he went there and it turned out that they would look at it! Finally, things started to look up!

Sunday 5 September 2010

France - Plassac, Bordeaux / Unknown Thursday 26th August 2010 Driving away from another comfy bed!

When we got to K and Rich's at 20:15pm, we sat down for a BBQ. That's right, we left Saumort at about 11am, and we arrived at K and Rich's at 20:15pm!! Know why? Because mummy put the wrong destination into the TomTom. There house is in Plassac, and they said that they were going to Bordeaux for there holiday. When mummy typed the address in, it came up with a lot of places so mummy put in Plassac, Bordeaux. Turns out we were 50 minutes from their house and we had to drive all the way back to the other Plassac!! It was really annoying, but the scenery was really nice, and there were loads of grape vines everywhere for the wine. We got out and tried a grape and they were really sour!! It was horrible!! Edie eats lemon slices whole, including the skin, so I was expecting her to love the grapes. She did the comedy thing of tasting one, and then screwing up her face, squeezing her eyes shut and making the mouth of a fish!! It was brilliant! I asked her if she liked the grapes and she said through gritted teeth 'they're delicious! I'll have yours if you don't like them'! She brought out a cup and filled it with some grapes to look tough and to fool people that she could eat the most sour foods! Those grapes ended up being thrown out of the window I think.

We spent two nights and K and Rich's place, and Livvy (K and Rich's middle son Wez' girlfriend. Get all of that?) let us have her bed and she slept in a bunk in another room! It was very comfortable!!

On the Wednesday, we had a lazy day in the sun and me, Jess (K and Rich's youngest son) and Edie spend most of our day in the pool! Eventually, daddy and Rich came in with Wez and Livvy and Beth and we all had a massive game of volley ball! It was great! There was another BBQ that night, because that's the easiest to cook when you have over 10 people in one house hold!

The drive on Thursday wasn't as bad as the drive on Tuesday. It only consisted of about 5 hours which wasn't too bad. We were on our way to see mummy's friend, Jon. He lives in a village right next to the Alps. We split the driving to his house in to 2 days, and the half of the journey was through lots of rural places. We were driving down a road when daddy spotted an amazing view of a lake and mountains. We stopped to look and noticed there was a campsite down there. So we drove down and stopped at the campsite to see if there was any room. There was and we picked a spot which over looked the lake! The best thing was, the sun hit it just in the right place at dusk!

Again, me and daddy got the fishing rod out and attached some random ham left over from our lunch. There was a massive fish which was dead washed up on the shore that Bethan and Edie found. So we were hoping to catch something that big that we could eat, but again, no luck. I'm getting good at casting though which is a plus! Can't say the same for Edie though. When she had a go at casting, it went over some person's boat and daddy had to really quickly try and get it off! We moved further away from the boats after that!!

On Friday 27th, we drove down to Jon's house. He had 3 beds spare, so me Bethan and Edie slept in the house!! Another comfy bed! I knew those puppy dog eyes would come in handy! We had a BBQ there as well, and we were sitting outside looking at the massive mountains that surrounded his holiday house!! It was really incredible because they were so big! Jon said that he had climbed up one before and it took him roughly 2 hours. We walked into the little town the next morning and there were even bigger mountains surrounding the town!! It was really beautiful and I would love to go there some time and climb a mountain! Maybe another holiday! On Saturday 28th, we made our way to Italy!

France - Vende Monday 23rd August 2010 Visiting the old

On the Friday when we left Min and John's, we drove halfway to Saumort, a holiday home that we go to every year. We ended up staying at Granny Brenda and Grandad John's old campsite. They had a chalet there but sold it, and we went to stay there some summers. But we were camping this time and it was weird seeing other people sitting on the deck. But we got to play tennis on the tennis courts and we went in the pool which had 3 massive slides. I only went in the pool because I had a headache and it's a tradition that when ever I go on the slide, I seem to smack my head on the side! We stayed at that campsite for 2 nights and drained their WIFI why we had the chance!! We went to the beach right next to the campsite, but it was chilly so didn't stay long. Every year, we have to go to Guerande market. It's a nice market because again, there are lots of stalls. We always have a Gauffre (waffle) and I got it covered in melted chocolate! It was delicious!!

We also went to La Baule and went on that beach there, but Bethan and Edie wouldn't come in the sea because apparently, there was seaweed every where!

It was about a 3 hour drive to Saumort on the Sunday morning which wasn't too bad. When we arrived, it was sunny and Zak and Sarah said that they had a massive storm right over them that morning! They think they got struck by lightning, and one of their lamps was lighting up, but it wasn't turned on!! They said another was forecast for the Monday, but it never happened.

On Monday, we did go riding which was fun. We ended up going on a hack in the afternoon because it was raining in the morning. But it chucked it down on the way back, so we were soaked when we arrived home. The horse that I was on kept eating leaves and the grass, so it was hard to pull her back up, but it was fun anyway!

We left Saumort on the Tuesday morning and went down to Bordeaux. It was a very long drive and we were getting really annoyed. It was about an 8 hour drive. K and Rich were on holiday at a family house down there. It was very hot every day that we were there which was nice, and the best thing was they had an out door pool!! We had very good fun!

We drove down a coastal road and stopped off at a very rocky beach near Le Croisiic. We cooked some soup and climbed over lots of rocks and daddy got a fishing rod out the Jon Wheater (my godfather) gave us. We did some fishing, but it was a race against time, as the tide was coming in fast and covering up the route to get back to shore! We didn't catch anything because it was choppy and we had not bait so we were using a spinner. In case you don't do fishing, a spinner is silver and spins in the water as you slowly reel in the line. As it spins, the sun reflects off it and to a big fish, it looks like a little anchovy so it comes and grabs on to the hook. At least we had a go, and we'll have plenty more opportunities to fish on our trip!!

France - Normandy Thursday 19th August 2010 A pretty couple of days......... and a comfy bed!!

We were at Min and John's house from the Tuesday, to Friday and it was a very nice few days to spend with them! On Wednesday, we went to a proper French market and there were loads of stalls! All sorts as well: cloths, food, souvenirs, jewelry, tools, crepes, hair accessories and one was selling horse!!! We were hoping that Min didn't take her past that stall or that Beth didn't see any!! We went through the market because Bethan was getting her hair cut. She got a French bob, and she looks quite grown up!! After we went through the market, we just spent the afternoon at Min and John's house. It was very nice and relaxing! We went out and watched an English film that night, they have this film club for English people. We watched 'Ghost Write' and it was very good! Look out for it in the UK, I think it's called 'Ghost' there.

On the Thursday, we visited a place called 'The Petite Cascade'. It is a very pretty waterfall that runs through loads of rocks that have fallen from the cliffs surrounding it. There is another called 'The Grande Cascade' and we have been to both before, but Minnie said that the Petite Cascade is prettier, and it was VERY pretty! We got to the first bit and I thought that that part was the end, and I was amazed at that any way!! We all had a group photo, and then Bethan wanted to jump over a little stream of water on to another rock. Daddy was saying that it really wasn't a very big jump to make, and Edie said she could do it. They were standing by the edge for about 20 seconds, and neither of them jumped it!! By the time they decided to retreat, I was already on the other side by jumping over a massive bit of water on to a small rock and there was a small patch of grass that I stood on! It was such fun! I took loads of photos of the little waterfall whilst standing on loads of different rocks. When I found another way back to the other side, we walked down a bit further and there was a waterfall. A proper one which came over a cliff edge!! I climbed down the cliff face and got loads of cool pictures again!! There were little rocks dotted everywhere, so it was a good little adventure! At the end of the Petite Cascade, there was quite a big stream all on it's own, but this one also had lots of rocks in the water. I was trying to get into the middle of the stream to get a good picture, but Edie began to follow. I told her to go back because I knew some part of her would get wet, but she said that she would be fine. I got some good pics and then went to the other side of the stream, thinking that Edie was behind me. When I looked back, she was still stranded on a rock and, surprise surprise, was asking for my assistance!! I was helping her get across but stepped on a loose rock and ended up with one of her legs standing in the water! When we finally got back across, her legs were wet and I was bone dry!! It was a funny couple of minutes!!

The climb back up the other side of the cliff was long and steep, but amazingly, none of us children complained, it was mummy and Min who were at the back nattering!! A nice drink was earned from doing all of the adventuring, so we went to a petit cafe and got an Orangina!

We left Min and John the next day and I got my hair cut. It looks pretty and is now shoulder length! The hairdresser's didn't speak any English, so it was quite funny communicating with my hair dresser and saying where my parting went etc!!

France - Arromanches Monday 16th August 2010 Operation Overlord

On Sunday, 15th August, we washed up on the shores of Arromanches. It's a beach where a big fight happened in WW2 between English and German soldiers. It was called 'Operation Overlord', it happened on the 6th June 1994, and is commonly known as D-Day. Winston Churchill, (our Prime Minister at the time) came up with a plan to free France from Germany's occupation. It was a simple plan but took months to come up with, and it was to get hundreds of British soldiers to literally run on to Arromanches beach. The genius of it was to keep the soldiers coming, so when one lot of soldiers unfortunately died, another load would run to attack. Lots of soldiers knew they would die, but the aim of it was to get to the German bunkers and take over from the German soldiers. England did succeed although lots of our soldiers died whilst running on to the beach. If you've watched 'Saving Private Ryan', you will have seen the disturbing video at the beginning of Operation Overlord taking place.

On the Monday, we went to a museum about D-Day, and it had loads of diagrams showing how the soldiers attacked and what happened. Apparently at one bit, the plan went wrong. There were gliders that had the job of landing behind the enemy lines and the soldiers in the gliders would attack from behind. But the navigation went wrong and the mistook one bridge for another bridge and landed at the wrong place. But the soldiers on the beach had to carry on fighting without the back up from behind. Eventually, the gliders did get to the beach and could help out. There were lots of exhibits in the museum and lots of objects from various soldiers that fought. A pilot had given his belongings he had at the time to the museum, so people could see what things he had. It wasn't a lot, just normal accessories, like a toothbrush, hairbrush, tablets, emergency escape kit etc. It was very interesting, and you should go if you ever go to Arromanches and if you have time.

We went up to the 360 degrees cinema, and it was showing a good film about D-Day, and the writing at the beginning was explaining what the film would be about. The languages that they wrote it in were French and German!!! No English when we were the ones that freed France!!

Another funny thing was, we went out to eat on Monday night because we had no food in, and Edie got really annoyed that everything was called something to do with Operation Overlord! She said 'It's like Arromanches is only famous for D-Day! Everywhere you turn, D-Day this and D-Day that...'!! Turns out the restaurant that we ate at was called '6th Juin'!! She was a bit cross with that!

We were staying at a campsite very close to the beach which was good, but we only stayed there for two nights, because we were going to see Minnie and John (Beth's godparents) on the Tuesday. When we were packing up the tent, guess what? Yep, it was raining!! We looked on the bright side that it was raining while we were traveling and not glorious sun shine!! On the way to Min and John's on the Tuesday, we stopped off at another beach where the same operation happened, and there was a massive bunker that was hit by a bomb. It was very interesting but cold and wet, so we didn't stay for long!!

Belgium - Brussels Friday 13th August 2010 It's all go in Brussels!!

Friday 13th is usually unlucky, but bad luck didn't strike us that day! We had a day in Brussels, because we were meeting some friends that live there, Simon and Isabelle. That morning, we left the best campsite ever to catch the bus into Brussels city centre. We arrived at the great campsite on the Thursday, and it looked great from the outside, but we thought we'd be fooled again! It had been recommended by Simon, and he said it was an amazing campsite, so we booked in. The guy who owned the campsite was talking to daddy for ages about cleanliness. When he finally came back to the campervan, he told us what the guy had said. The guy told daddy that he had turned people away from the campsite because he didn't like their haircuts! He also said that he had told people how he wanted the showers to be kept. When he had finished telling the person how he wanted them kept, the person said to him, 'isn't that what we're paying the cleaners to do?' and the guy told him to take his money and leave! We went to look at the shower cubicles and they were pristine clean!!! It was incredible! They were very white and had a plant in the middle of the room! It was the cleanest campsite I had ever seen! The plots were nice as well because we had our own!

We took the bus into Brussels because it was very cheap, €10 for all of us!!! When we arrived in Brussels, I noticed that it was completely different to Holland! The roads were chockablock with cars, and Friday the 13th struck a woman on her phone, she smashed into the man in front of her!! Well, 'smashed' is over exaggerating a bit, 'banged in to' is a better phrase to use!! That was some cool drama, yes, it was all happening in Brussels!! When we eventually got off the bus, we went to this massive market square called the 'Grand Place', but instead of a massive market, there was this massive pattern of flower petals covering the square! It was amazing and so beautiful! In the middle was a fountain and the colours were incredible!! They only put it there for three days every two years!! It's called, unsurprisingly, 'The Grand Place Flower Festival'!! And it was grand!! The buildings surrounding the square were amazing as well. They were so big and were covered in gold statues! We think that they were the places big town meetings take place. People were queuing up for ages to get in to the buildings so they can get a good view of the flower pattern! It was amazing!!

We then went to find Mannequin Pis, which, a clue in the name, is a statue of a boy weeing! It's random because it's quite famous and it's on a random corner of a street! It's so weird!! Mummy and Daddy spent a weekend in Brussels and found that after the first day of being there, they had done everything there was to do!! I must admit, there wasn't a lot of things to see, the Mannequin Pis, the petal pattern and that was about it. The things we saw were very nice any way, so it was quite fun to see!

Eventually, we went and joined Simon and Isabelle and their little girls Juliet and Hazel, 4 and 2. They are so sweet! It's amazing, because Isabelle is Belgian and speaks Flemish, so Juliet can speak English and Flemish, and that's what Hazel will start to do! They are both very bright children! We went to the park opposite their house and we had a nice little picnic in the sun! It was very nice to see them because we hardly ever see them as they live in a completely separate country to us!!

Simon dropped us off back at the campsite and we flopped in bed after a long day.

On Saturday morning, yet again, we were packing away a wet tent after a big rainfall in the night. Or should I say, daddy packed the tent away! The rest of us stayed in the campervan nice and dry. On Saturday 14th August, we made our journey to France!! We were supposed to be getting to Normandy on the Saturday, but we did it in two trips, so stopped off at this very touristy campsite! A random French girl came up to our van and was talking to mummy. Not being fluent in French, mummy stared at her like she was from another planet! We soon worked out that she wanted to look at me, Bethan and Edie!!!! We tried to get a plot as far away from her as we could!! We all slept in the campervan that night and put our bags in a pop-up-tent. Next morning as we drive away, it's raining, again.

Holland - Amsterdam Wednesday 11th August 2010 Be careful, look out for the....... bikes?

On that Wednesday, we spent the day in Amsterdam, the land of cycling!!! Seriously, in England you have to look for cars before you cross a road, in Amsterdam, you're in danger of getting run over by a bike. A little mention to a friend Melissa Shelley, we get annoyed with cycling 2 1/2 miles to school nearly every day, if you lived in Rotterdam, you would literally be cycling EVERYWHERE! I'm not even joking! When we were walking through the city, there were bikes locked up in loads of places. In most of them, it was like bike dominoes because they had all fallen down!! It's crazy!!

We were in Amsterdam that day because we had booked a slot to look around Anne Franks Secret Annex. The time to look round was 7:45pm. As we had been in Amsterdam all day and had nothing to do for 30 minutes before we went into the Annex, we sat next to a very pretty canal. That's another thing about Holland, they have loads of canals, and they are all so pretty! People even have little canals running through their front garden!! Any way, at 7:35pm, me, Bethan and Edie were badgering mummy and daddy to go to the Annex, and the only reply was 'we'll go in a couple of minutes. At 7:41pm, mummy decides that we should go into the Annex at last. Turns out she had left the tickets back in the van a few streets away! We made it to the Annex just in time! It was amazing to look around the place! If you've read the diary, firstly, I recommend it if you haven't because it's very good, but secondly, the experience of being there is completely different from the book! They still have all of the shutters up to black out the room from the 1940's. I went round the place in awe of being there, but also just experiencing what the 8 people who hid there had to go through. As they were above an office, they couldn't go to the toilet during the working hours incase people heard them, they couldn't eat very well, and they all had to share a 3 bedroom attic between 8 of them. When they got arrested and taken away, the German soldiers had the Annex stripped of furniture, and when Otto Frank (Anne's dad) came back after the war, he wanted to keep it that way. So when we walked in, there was a model of what the place would have looked like with furniture. When we reached the end of the tour, there was a bit about Aschwitz, and there was a very disturbing video on what happened there. There were piles of dead bodies, and some were on fire because that's how the German's got rid of the bodies. I really wanted to visit Aschwitz on this trip, but I'm not sure now. Lots of people have said that's it's very disturbing and really sad, so I'm still trying to decide if I want to go one day!!!

I do think that if you are in Amsterdam, you should go and visit the Annex. It is a really good experience and very enjoyable. You don't just have fun looking round, but you also learn loads! Well, we all really enjoyed it!

That night we had to get back to the campsite really quickly after the Annex, because the gates closed at 10:30pm. We kept losing our way home and just made it. As we turned into our muddy field, we saw that some random Germans had pitched on the side where the campervan connected to the tent! Just our luck! So the van was disconnected from the tent that night! The next day when we were on our way to Belgium, we had to pack up a wet tent as it chucked it down that night. Yes, we were very sad to see the back of that campsite!!

Holland - Rotterdam Monday 9th August 2010 Our first night of paradise....... almost!

Seeing as I haven't started my blog and we are nearly 2 months into our trip, I better start with Rotterdam, the first place that we went to. We actually took no pictures of Rotterdam because it was lackluster, so there will be no pic on this blog. Sorry! Any way, Rotterdam is in Holland and we stayed on a campsite while we were there. Now, we were recommended the campsite by a friend of a friend, and daddy also read about it on a forum whilst looking for campsites in Rotterdam. We arrived at the campsite at about 6pm, and it looked quite nice from the outside. We drove in and the shower block was quite big - always a good sign! The person at reception told us to drive around the corner and just find a spot to pitch our tent. As we drove up to this corner, we passed a very nice turning which had separate plots and nice big caravans in them. We thought 'well that's pretty isn't it! Can't wait to see what we're in for!' We drove into a field with random Motor Homes dotted around. It was quite sunny and warm, so we pitched up our tent next to some people while it was still dry. Our first night wasn't too bad, I woke up on Tuesday morning to count 14 mosquito bites dotted over my body. That day was filled with consistent itching! We went to a market in the town centre and brought lots of nice things, including these awesome waffles! They are round with some sort of caramel in the middle! Minnie (Beth's godmother) and her friend Jani (the person who recommended the campsite) came to our tent to see us on Tuesday afternoon. By that time and probably since 13:00 o'Clock that day, it was chucking it down with rain! As we sat in the tent talking to Minnie, I was finding various tubs to put under random leaks next to the part where the awning joined to the campervan!! That was a wet day!! Nothing better than being in a muddy field in Rotterdam. Especially when you have a shower in their shower block, because it's all grassy as people walk in from the field in muddy and grassy shoes! Good start to the trip!!