Since I have left the UK, I have been pondering the idea of doing a blog, but never seemed to have got round to it. I have been keeping a diary which I write in every day, but I have now decided to keep all the info on what I have done/ will be doing on line! Technology these days is great isn't it?!? I will not be doing a blog every day of this trip, but my plan is to do some days in each country. Then I can at least get in things that have happened to us and we don't have to keep looking for WIFI every day, which believe me, is quite hard to find!!

Sunday 5 September 2010

Belgium - Brussels Friday 13th August 2010 It's all go in Brussels!!

Friday 13th is usually unlucky, but bad luck didn't strike us that day! We had a day in Brussels, because we were meeting some friends that live there, Simon and Isabelle. That morning, we left the best campsite ever to catch the bus into Brussels city centre. We arrived at the great campsite on the Thursday, and it looked great from the outside, but we thought we'd be fooled again! It had been recommended by Simon, and he said it was an amazing campsite, so we booked in. The guy who owned the campsite was talking to daddy for ages about cleanliness. When he finally came back to the campervan, he told us what the guy had said. The guy told daddy that he had turned people away from the campsite because he didn't like their haircuts! He also said that he had told people how he wanted the showers to be kept. When he had finished telling the person how he wanted them kept, the person said to him, 'isn't that what we're paying the cleaners to do?' and the guy told him to take his money and leave! We went to look at the shower cubicles and they were pristine clean!!! It was incredible! They were very white and had a plant in the middle of the room! It was the cleanest campsite I had ever seen! The plots were nice as well because we had our own!

We took the bus into Brussels because it was very cheap, €10 for all of us!!! When we arrived in Brussels, I noticed that it was completely different to Holland! The roads were chockablock with cars, and Friday the 13th struck a woman on her phone, she smashed into the man in front of her!! Well, 'smashed' is over exaggerating a bit, 'banged in to' is a better phrase to use!! That was some cool drama, yes, it was all happening in Brussels!! When we eventually got off the bus, we went to this massive market square called the 'Grand Place', but instead of a massive market, there was this massive pattern of flower petals covering the square! It was amazing and so beautiful! In the middle was a fountain and the colours were incredible!! They only put it there for three days every two years!! It's called, unsurprisingly, 'The Grand Place Flower Festival'!! And it was grand!! The buildings surrounding the square were amazing as well. They were so big and were covered in gold statues! We think that they were the places big town meetings take place. People were queuing up for ages to get in to the buildings so they can get a good view of the flower pattern! It was amazing!!

We then went to find Mannequin Pis, which, a clue in the name, is a statue of a boy weeing! It's random because it's quite famous and it's on a random corner of a street! It's so weird!! Mummy and Daddy spent a weekend in Brussels and found that after the first day of being there, they had done everything there was to do!! I must admit, there wasn't a lot of things to see, the Mannequin Pis, the petal pattern and that was about it. The things we saw were very nice any way, so it was quite fun to see!

Eventually, we went and joined Simon and Isabelle and their little girls Juliet and Hazel, 4 and 2. They are so sweet! It's amazing, because Isabelle is Belgian and speaks Flemish, so Juliet can speak English and Flemish, and that's what Hazel will start to do! They are both very bright children! We went to the park opposite their house and we had a nice little picnic in the sun! It was very nice to see them because we hardly ever see them as they live in a completely separate country to us!!

Simon dropped us off back at the campsite and we flopped in bed after a long day.

On Saturday morning, yet again, we were packing away a wet tent after a big rainfall in the night. Or should I say, daddy packed the tent away! The rest of us stayed in the campervan nice and dry. On Saturday 14th August, we made our journey to France!! We were supposed to be getting to Normandy on the Saturday, but we did it in two trips, so stopped off at this very touristy campsite! A random French girl came up to our van and was talking to mummy. Not being fluent in French, mummy stared at her like she was from another planet! We soon worked out that she wanted to look at me, Bethan and Edie!!!! We tried to get a plot as far away from her as we could!! We all slept in the campervan that night and put our bags in a pop-up-tent. Next morning as we drive away, it's raining, again.

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