Since I have left the UK, I have been pondering the idea of doing a blog, but never seemed to have got round to it. I have been keeping a diary which I write in every day, but I have now decided to keep all the info on what I have done/ will be doing on line! Technology these days is great isn't it?!? I will not be doing a blog every day of this trip, but my plan is to do some days in each country. Then I can at least get in things that have happened to us and we don't have to keep looking for WIFI every day, which believe me, is quite hard to find!!

Sunday 26 September 2010

Italy - Alessandria Thursday 2nd September 2010 Every little thing, is gonna be alright.......

We ended up staying at the nice hotel for 2 nights. Me, Beth and Edie weren't at all disappointed! The garage called daddy back on the Monday afternoon and told him that the turbo had broken. Not the best part of the van that could have gone. They said that they wouldn't be able to fix it that week because they didn't keep any parts for cars. So the rest of Monday afternoon was filled with daddy trying to get hold of our local mechanic, but it was bank holiday in the UK, so he wasn't at work. On Tuesday, we got hold of him and he said to call some guy that sells second hand car parts. The person that daddy rung said that he didn't have any in stock, but could get one in quite soon. Daddy told him the story of what happened and the guy was very good about it and he would chase the company up and try and get one as soon as possible. First of all, we had to find somewhere else to stay, because the hotel was quite expensive. The receptionist showed us a campsite on the map, so we went there. They had a swimming pool, and it was great! It had 3 pools, one of which had a diving board and another had a slide! The rest of the campsite was pretty lackluster, and it cost quite a lot for 2 nights, because at this time we had a hire car that was costing us about €50 for one day, €150 for three. In total, the campsite cost €90 with the car money for that day. We had to pay €2 each for a shower token, so that in itself was €10! Daddy had a shower on the Thursday morning and the hot water only lasted for 2 minutes!!!! Any way, on Tuesday, we were actually doing some adding up to see if it was cheaper to fly home and pick up the turbo ourselves! Turns out that all of the airlines charged between €1200 and €1300 for all of us!! It's lucky that we didn't book anything though, because the person called back on Wednesday to say that he had the turbo and would post it out to Italy straight away!! We were all very happy with that! Basically, from Tuesday 31st, we were eating cold food all the time because we have nothing to cook with and it's too expensive to eat out every night. At least we're eating healthily though, which is a plus!!

We left the campsite on Thursday, after 2 very sleepless nights in a tent. This was mainly because we were right next to a road, and they were doing road works all night! And it was really cold during the night. But we all got very good tans during the day! Especially when we went to the pool. The pool was €25 for all of us as well, even for mummy who didn't swim!! It's like all that campsite wants is your money!!

In advance, on the Wednesday, we were seeing where else we could stay after the campsite. There was a hotel that would cost €120 for a family room, or there was a hostel that would only cost €80 for a family room each night, and we wanted somewhere for 5 nights. This is because the garage said that they would be able to fix it sometime from the 6th September. We ended up going with the hostel, and it was really quite nice. It looked quite weird from the outside, a bit like a prison, but the inside was fine. We reckon it used to be a school/college/hospital. It sort of looks like all of those things put together!! That was the hostel that we stayed in until the morning of Tuesday 7th, when the van would hopefully have be fixed. But I wasn't holding my breath...

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