Since I have left the UK, I have been pondering the idea of doing a blog, but never seemed to have got round to it. I have been keeping a diary which I write in every day, but I have now decided to keep all the info on what I have done/ will be doing on line! Technology these days is great isn't it?!? I will not be doing a blog every day of this trip, but my plan is to do some days in each country. Then I can at least get in things that have happened to us and we don't have to keep looking for WIFI every day, which believe me, is quite hard to find!!

Sunday 5 September 2010

France - Normandy Thursday 19th August 2010 A pretty couple of days......... and a comfy bed!!

We were at Min and John's house from the Tuesday, to Friday and it was a very nice few days to spend with them! On Wednesday, we went to a proper French market and there were loads of stalls! All sorts as well: cloths, food, souvenirs, jewelry, tools, crepes, hair accessories and one was selling horse!!! We were hoping that Min didn't take her past that stall or that Beth didn't see any!! We went through the market because Bethan was getting her hair cut. She got a French bob, and she looks quite grown up!! After we went through the market, we just spent the afternoon at Min and John's house. It was very nice and relaxing! We went out and watched an English film that night, they have this film club for English people. We watched 'Ghost Write' and it was very good! Look out for it in the UK, I think it's called 'Ghost' there.

On the Thursday, we visited a place called 'The Petite Cascade'. It is a very pretty waterfall that runs through loads of rocks that have fallen from the cliffs surrounding it. There is another called 'The Grande Cascade' and we have been to both before, but Minnie said that the Petite Cascade is prettier, and it was VERY pretty! We got to the first bit and I thought that that part was the end, and I was amazed at that any way!! We all had a group photo, and then Bethan wanted to jump over a little stream of water on to another rock. Daddy was saying that it really wasn't a very big jump to make, and Edie said she could do it. They were standing by the edge for about 20 seconds, and neither of them jumped it!! By the time they decided to retreat, I was already on the other side by jumping over a massive bit of water on to a small rock and there was a small patch of grass that I stood on! It was such fun! I took loads of photos of the little waterfall whilst standing on loads of different rocks. When I found another way back to the other side, we walked down a bit further and there was a waterfall. A proper one which came over a cliff edge!! I climbed down the cliff face and got loads of cool pictures again!! There were little rocks dotted everywhere, so it was a good little adventure! At the end of the Petite Cascade, there was quite a big stream all on it's own, but this one also had lots of rocks in the water. I was trying to get into the middle of the stream to get a good picture, but Edie began to follow. I told her to go back because I knew some part of her would get wet, but she said that she would be fine. I got some good pics and then went to the other side of the stream, thinking that Edie was behind me. When I looked back, she was still stranded on a rock and, surprise surprise, was asking for my assistance!! I was helping her get across but stepped on a loose rock and ended up with one of her legs standing in the water! When we finally got back across, her legs were wet and I was bone dry!! It was a funny couple of minutes!!

The climb back up the other side of the cliff was long and steep, but amazingly, none of us children complained, it was mummy and Min who were at the back nattering!! A nice drink was earned from doing all of the adventuring, so we went to a petit cafe and got an Orangina!

We left Min and John the next day and I got my hair cut. It looks pretty and is now shoulder length! The hairdresser's didn't speak any English, so it was quite funny communicating with my hair dresser and saying where my parting went etc!!

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