Since I have left the UK, I have been pondering the idea of doing a blog, but never seemed to have got round to it. I have been keeping a diary which I write in every day, but I have now decided to keep all the info on what I have done/ will be doing on line! Technology these days is great isn't it?!? I will not be doing a blog every day of this trip, but my plan is to do some days in each country. Then I can at least get in things that have happened to us and we don't have to keep looking for WIFI every day, which believe me, is quite hard to find!!

Sunday 5 September 2010

France - Plassac, Bordeaux / Unknown Thursday 26th August 2010 Driving away from another comfy bed!

When we got to K and Rich's at 20:15pm, we sat down for a BBQ. That's right, we left Saumort at about 11am, and we arrived at K and Rich's at 20:15pm!! Know why? Because mummy put the wrong destination into the TomTom. There house is in Plassac, and they said that they were going to Bordeaux for there holiday. When mummy typed the address in, it came up with a lot of places so mummy put in Plassac, Bordeaux. Turns out we were 50 minutes from their house and we had to drive all the way back to the other Plassac!! It was really annoying, but the scenery was really nice, and there were loads of grape vines everywhere for the wine. We got out and tried a grape and they were really sour!! It was horrible!! Edie eats lemon slices whole, including the skin, so I was expecting her to love the grapes. She did the comedy thing of tasting one, and then screwing up her face, squeezing her eyes shut and making the mouth of a fish!! It was brilliant! I asked her if she liked the grapes and she said through gritted teeth 'they're delicious! I'll have yours if you don't like them'! She brought out a cup and filled it with some grapes to look tough and to fool people that she could eat the most sour foods! Those grapes ended up being thrown out of the window I think.

We spent two nights and K and Rich's place, and Livvy (K and Rich's middle son Wez' girlfriend. Get all of that?) let us have her bed and she slept in a bunk in another room! It was very comfortable!!

On the Wednesday, we had a lazy day in the sun and me, Jess (K and Rich's youngest son) and Edie spend most of our day in the pool! Eventually, daddy and Rich came in with Wez and Livvy and Beth and we all had a massive game of volley ball! It was great! There was another BBQ that night, because that's the easiest to cook when you have over 10 people in one house hold!

The drive on Thursday wasn't as bad as the drive on Tuesday. It only consisted of about 5 hours which wasn't too bad. We were on our way to see mummy's friend, Jon. He lives in a village right next to the Alps. We split the driving to his house in to 2 days, and the half of the journey was through lots of rural places. We were driving down a road when daddy spotted an amazing view of a lake and mountains. We stopped to look and noticed there was a campsite down there. So we drove down and stopped at the campsite to see if there was any room. There was and we picked a spot which over looked the lake! The best thing was, the sun hit it just in the right place at dusk!

Again, me and daddy got the fishing rod out and attached some random ham left over from our lunch. There was a massive fish which was dead washed up on the shore that Bethan and Edie found. So we were hoping to catch something that big that we could eat, but again, no luck. I'm getting good at casting though which is a plus! Can't say the same for Edie though. When she had a go at casting, it went over some person's boat and daddy had to really quickly try and get it off! We moved further away from the boats after that!!

On Friday 27th, we drove down to Jon's house. He had 3 beds spare, so me Bethan and Edie slept in the house!! Another comfy bed! I knew those puppy dog eyes would come in handy! We had a BBQ there as well, and we were sitting outside looking at the massive mountains that surrounded his holiday house!! It was really incredible because they were so big! Jon said that he had climbed up one before and it took him roughly 2 hours. We walked into the little town the next morning and there were even bigger mountains surrounding the town!! It was really beautiful and I would love to go there some time and climb a mountain! Maybe another holiday! On Saturday 28th, we made our way to Italy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella & family :) hope you are having a good trip so far and manage to get your VW van sorted out soon!! Thats a shame to hear about that :/ Im enjoying reading all of your and your dads blogs. Enjoy your tour!!
    Rachel Mendham :D
