Since I have left the UK, I have been pondering the idea of doing a blog, but never seemed to have got round to it. I have been keeping a diary which I write in every day, but I have now decided to keep all the info on what I have done/ will be doing on line! Technology these days is great isn't it?!? I will not be doing a blog every day of this trip, but my plan is to do some days in each country. Then I can at least get in things that have happened to us and we don't have to keep looking for WIFI every day, which believe me, is quite hard to find!!

Sunday 5 September 2010

France - Vende Monday 23rd August 2010 Visiting the old

On the Friday when we left Min and John's, we drove halfway to Saumort, a holiday home that we go to every year. We ended up staying at Granny Brenda and Grandad John's old campsite. They had a chalet there but sold it, and we went to stay there some summers. But we were camping this time and it was weird seeing other people sitting on the deck. But we got to play tennis on the tennis courts and we went in the pool which had 3 massive slides. I only went in the pool because I had a headache and it's a tradition that when ever I go on the slide, I seem to smack my head on the side! We stayed at that campsite for 2 nights and drained their WIFI why we had the chance!! We went to the beach right next to the campsite, but it was chilly so didn't stay long. Every year, we have to go to Guerande market. It's a nice market because again, there are lots of stalls. We always have a Gauffre (waffle) and I got it covered in melted chocolate! It was delicious!!

We also went to La Baule and went on that beach there, but Bethan and Edie wouldn't come in the sea because apparently, there was seaweed every where!

It was about a 3 hour drive to Saumort on the Sunday morning which wasn't too bad. When we arrived, it was sunny and Zak and Sarah said that they had a massive storm right over them that morning! They think they got struck by lightning, and one of their lamps was lighting up, but it wasn't turned on!! They said another was forecast for the Monday, but it never happened.

On Monday, we did go riding which was fun. We ended up going on a hack in the afternoon because it was raining in the morning. But it chucked it down on the way back, so we were soaked when we arrived home. The horse that I was on kept eating leaves and the grass, so it was hard to pull her back up, but it was fun anyway!

We left Saumort on the Tuesday morning and went down to Bordeaux. It was a very long drive and we were getting really annoyed. It was about an 8 hour drive. K and Rich were on holiday at a family house down there. It was very hot every day that we were there which was nice, and the best thing was they had an out door pool!! We had very good fun!

We drove down a coastal road and stopped off at a very rocky beach near Le Croisiic. We cooked some soup and climbed over lots of rocks and daddy got a fishing rod out the Jon Wheater (my godfather) gave us. We did some fishing, but it was a race against time, as the tide was coming in fast and covering up the route to get back to shore! We didn't catch anything because it was choppy and we had not bait so we were using a spinner. In case you don't do fishing, a spinner is silver and spins in the water as you slowly reel in the line. As it spins, the sun reflects off it and to a big fish, it looks like a little anchovy so it comes and grabs on to the hook. At least we had a go, and we'll have plenty more opportunities to fish on our trip!!

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